Saturday, January 4, 2014

5 Ways to Make Learning Languages a Little Easier


Is learning a new language tougher than you expected? Struggling to remember all that vocabulary? Don’t worry! While getting to grips with a new language isn’t always easy – there are some handy tricks and tips that can make it all a little smoother.
So check out our 5 top tips and you’ll find yourself zipping through all that new lingo in no time!
  1. Once a day – every day
The most important rule to follow when you’re learning something new is to have a regular and consistent pattern. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to do too much – you’ll only make excuses later on when you can’t keep it up!
Instead do a little bit – but do it every day. By dedicated just 5 minutes every day, you’ll be surprised how much you get through.
  1. Keep it bite size
As well as consistency, keeping your aims realistic and manageable is important too. While you might want to start speaking like a pro in a few weeks, trying to learn a lot of new vocabulary or grammar in one go can be difficult.
So break it down to bite size portions – try learning just 5 new words a day, or one new piece of grammar.
  1. Do what you love
A great way to motivate your learning is to study something you really enjoy. Love food? Check out culinary specialities and recipe buzzwords. Or are you passionate about art? Whatever it is you enjoy, this is a great way of learning a new language.
  1. Keep it fun
Learning a language doesn’t mean doing boring study sessions all the time.
Discover a whole new universe by checking out films and popular music in that language – subtitled films are a great way to pick up new vocabulary, and you’ll be surprised at how much you learn to recognise!
  1. Have a chat
You might only know a few words and basic phrases – but don’t be afraid to put them into action! The best way to memorise a new language and improve your skills is by speaking – so if you know some native speakers, have fun and practice with them.

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