Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Word of the day - 10-12-2013

Word of the Day

Definition:(verb) To fill with delight.
Usage:The Harry Potter books have enraptured millions of young readers.

Quote of the Day

Terrible emotions always do sound foolish when we put them into our inadequate words. They are not meant to be spoken—only felt and endured.
Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942)

This Day in History

Imperial Japanese Navy Sinks Two British Warships (1941)
Japanese aggression in late 1941 prompted Britain to send two of their largest warships—HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse—to the Pacific as a deterrent. However, war in the Pacific escalated with the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7. Three days later, Japanese forces destroyed the Prince of Walesand Repulse near Singapore. The warships were the first sunk by aircraft while at sea.

Today's Birthday

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet (1787)
A promising student with varied interests, Gallaudet earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from Yale, after which he attended seminary and became a preacher. However, upon meeting 9-year-old Alice Cogswell, the deaf daughter of a neighbor, his interests turned to education of the deaf. He traveled to Europe to study the latest methods, including sign language, and returned to found the first American free school for the deaf.

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