Saturday, December 14, 2013

Word of the day. 14-12-2013

Word of the Day

Definition:(noun) A person who eats and drinks excessively or voraciously.

He is a real glutton when it comes to junk food,
 but somehow he stays skinny as a toothpick.

Quote of the Day

To produce a mighty book, you must choose
a mighty theme. No great and enduring volume
 can ever be written on the flea, though many
 there be who have tried it.

Today's Birthday

George VI, King of Great Britain and Ireland (1895)

The subject of the Academy Award-winning 2010 film
 The King's Speech, George VI became king of the
 United Kingdom following the abdication of his brother,
 Edward VIII. George was an important symbolic
 leader of the British people during World War II,
 supporting the wartime leadership of Winston
 Churchill and visiting his armies on the
 battlefield. He earned the respect of his people by scrupulously
 observing the responsibilities of a constitutional monarch and 
by overcoming  handicap.

George VI (Albert Frederick Arthur George; 14 December
1895 – 6 February 1952) was King of the United Kingdom
 and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth from
 11 December 1936 until his death. He was the last
Emperor of India, and the first Head of the Commonwealth.
As the second son of King George V, he was not expected
 to inherit the throne and spent his early life in the shadow
 of his elder brother, Edward. He served in theRoyal Navy
and Royal Air Force during World War I, and after the war
 took on the usual round of public engagements. He married
 Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon in 1923 and they had two daughters,
 Elizabeth and Margaret.
George's elder brother ascended the throne as Edward VIII
on the death of their father in 1936. However, later that year
 Edward revealed his desire to marry the divorced American
 socialite Wallis Simpson. British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin
advised Edward that for political and religious reasons he could
 not marry Simpson and remain king. Edward abdicated in order
 to marry, and George ascended the throne as the third monarch
 of the House of Windsor.
During George's reign the break-up of the British Empire and
 its transition into theCommonwealth of Nations accelerated.
The parliament of the Irish Free Stateremoved direct mention
of the monarch from the country's constitution on the day
of his accession. Within three years, the Empire and Commonwealth,
 except the Irish Free State, was at war with Nazi Germany.
In the next two years, war with Italy and Japan followed.
Though Britain and its allies were ultimately victorious,
the United States and the Soviet Union rose as pre-eminent
 world powers and the British Empire declined. After the
 independence of India and Pakistan in 1947, George remained
 as king of both countries, but the title Emperor of India was
 abandoned in June 1948. Ireland formally declared a republic,
 leaving the Commonwealth, in 1949 and India became
a republic within the Commonwealth the following year.
George adopted the new title of Head of the Commonwealth.
 He was beset by health problems in the later years
of his reign. His eldest daughter, Elizabeth, succeeded him.

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