Friday, July 10, 2015

Word of the Day - cloudburst


Definition:(noun) A heavy rain.

We enjoyed the lovely recliners on the ship's deck until a sudden cloudburst sent us running for our cabins.

Article of the Day

A Knight Bachelor is a man who has been knighted by the monarch but not as a member of one of the organized Orders of Chivalry, making him an English knight of the lowest rank. Like other knights, Knights Bachelor are styled "Sir." The honor is generally awarded for public service, and amongst its recipients are all the male judges of the High Court of England and Wales. Sir Paul McCartney is one of the best-known holders of the rank.

This Day in History

The Jedwabne Pogrom (1941)

Just a month after Nazi forces overran Poland and began distributing anti-Semitic propaganda there, the non-Jewish residents of the Polish town of Jedwabne took it upon themselves to round up and massacre Jews living in the area, burning hundreds alive. The fact that the Jedwabne Pogrom was not a German death squad operation but was actually "committed directly by Poles" was only recently established by the Polish Institute of National Remembrance. What details of the atrocity are still debated?

                                       Today's Birthday

Camille Pissarro (1830)

Known as the "Father of Impressionism," Pissarro was the only Impressionist painter who participated in all eight of the group's exhibitions. He is notable not only for his paintings of rural and urban French life but in his role as a mentor to postimpressionists Paul Cézanne and Paul Gauguin. He gained popularity in the 1890s with his interpretation of nature, including many landscapes drawn from his surroundings in the French countryside.

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